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Create Hub

Basic hub info
Select the protocol your hub is using. Choose dchub:// in case of regular NMDC hub software like Aquila, Ptokax, Verlihub, YnHub, etc. Select adc:// or adcs:// in case of ADC hub software like ADCH++ or uHub.
Enter hub host and port denoted by a colon. For example
If you want to share any important information about connecting to or using the hub, you can enter here. This will be visible on the hub datasheet on the web, but not in the hublist for the clients.
Hublist pinger
A robot program called 'Hublist pinger' is running in the background which connects to the hubs from time to time and verifies the user count and other data. Finally it updates the hub in the hublist.
If you want, you can specify a user name and password here for the hublist pinger. It is not mandatory, but you may want to customize it if you have a minimum share requirement on your hub which would cause the pinger to be disconnected or if you registered a user for the pinger on your hub.
Important: If the pinger can't connect, the hub won't appear in the hublist.
The user name of the pinger. If you leave it blank, the default nick will be used.
Enter the password here if you registered a user for the pinger. Leave it blank if no password is required for connecting to your hub.
Specify here how many open slots should the pinger claim to have when checking your hub.
By default, the hublist pinger enters the hub by claiming 0 B shared. If you have a minimum share requirement on the hub, you may want to specify here how many GiB should the pinger use when checking your hub (whole number). Note that if the pinger cannot connect, your hub won't show up in the hublist.
Contact info
If the hub has a website, specify its URL here.
A public e-mail address for the users which is visible on the hub datasheet.

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